Creating a visual experience for the urban 23-35 years old to understand the importance of audiovisuals which plays a vital role in shaping the distinctive aesthetic identity of electronic music through psychedelic-induced Synaesthesia.
Introducing this experience would let the participant's mind assign a narrative to it. The contrivance or the selection of visuals will make it easier for the participant to see the harmony and structure of the music.
In collaboration with:
Donesh Jain- Music | Anik Sharma- Music | Visual Alchemist- Generative visuals | Dylan T- Social media visuals | Ladina Brunner- Waveforms of frequencies
Aim & objective: To reimagine an audio reactive visual and music listening environment which teaches audience how to observe & build a persona relationship with music.
To create a space of understanding & visual representation within the music industry & educate audience on music to form better relationships between music and visualisation.
Flyer for the event at Signature Brew, London.

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